Sneezeweed Seeds


(Helenium autumnale) An attractive late season bloomer, this plant blooms in the summer until frost. Prefers moist soil, a vigorous, tall native with bright yellow, daisy-like flowers. Early colonists used it as snuff, hence the name. Despite the common name, it usually does not present problems for most allergy sufferers. Carefree and deer resistant! S/DR/A

Approximately 17,500 seeds per packet.

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SKU: 1 Categories: ,


(Helenium autumnale) An attractive late season bloomer, this plant blooms in the summer until frost. Prefers moist soil, a vigorous, tall native with bright yellow, daisy-like flowers. Early colonists used it as snuff, hence the name. Despite the common name, it usually does not present problems for most allergy sufferers. Carefree and deer resistant! S/DR/A

Approximately 17,500 seeds per packet.

Seed Abbreviations

Light Requirement: S=Sun PS=Part Sun Sh=Shade
Tolerance: AT=Anaerobic Tolerant DT=Drought Tolerant DR=Deer Resistant ST=Salt Tolerant
Germination Codes1: A=no pre-treatment C(#)= Cold Storage (# days) D=surface sown H=needs scarification I=Legume M=plant outdoors in fall

1 Germination codes courtesy of Prairie Moon Nursery