Spring Native Plant Seed Sale

Spring Native Plant Seed Sale


February 5, 2024 - March 11, 2024    
All Day


Event Type

Ordering is now closed for the 2024 Spring Seed Sale

Welcome to 2024! This year, we are reimagining our traditional plant sale. Instead of seedlings, we will be selling seed packets of a variety of native plants. These plants will be straight species, meaning that no cultivars will be sold. It has been found that cultivars often do not have the same benefits to wildlife that straight species do. Our focus on native species will help our native pollinators, increase biodiversity, and conserve our native plants and animals, among other benefits.

Several of the species we are selling are from Dr. Gegear’s recommended plant list. Dr. Robert Gegear is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Umass Dartmouth; he runs the Gegear Lab which offers plant recommendations for at-risk bumblebees based on species level field research. These species on his list provide nectar and pollen to at-risk native pollinators, such as three species of bumblebees, the Yellow-banded bumblebee (Bombus terricola), Golden Northern bumblebee (Bombus fervidus), and the Half-Black bumblebee (Bombus vagans).

The seed sale ordering deadline is March 11th, so order now and help diversify your garden!

Want to help volunteer with us and bag seeds? We will be packaging orders on March 21st at 10:00 AM in Westford. Please email admin@middlesexconservationdistrict.org if you would like to join to get the address. This will be a limited space event.

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