Looking for New Supervisors for the Middlesex Conservation District!

Are you interested in the conservation of natural resources, including soil and water? Are you looking for a volunteer position with your county? You could be an ideal candidate to serve on the board of the Middlesex Conservation District.

Conservation District supervisors provide the delivery system to the Natural Resource Conservation Service’s technical assistant programs. Supervisors also assist in areas such as conservation planning on both private and public lands, training workshops, conservation education programs, and native plant sales. The standard term of office for a supervisor is three years. They are elected at a publicly held Annual Meetings and are elected by residents of their respective county. 

In order to be considered for a Supervisor position, you must:

  • Reside in or own land within Middlesex County as defined in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 21, Sections 18-25A
  • Be over the age of 18 
  • A registered voter. 
  • Be able to attend regular monthly meetings which occur on a Monday night

Looking for more information about supervisor duties and roles? Here are a few helpful links:

You are invited to contact Andrea Grossman, the District Administrator at admin@middlesexconservationdistrict.org or Kathie Becker, Chair of Middlesex Conservation District at kbecker1@mac.com.

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